My own blog is blocking my comments. Now I ask you!
So herewith my email. gregorylyons at mac dot com
I'd love to exchange emails with you. Or we can keep meeting here...
I'm planning a stay in Mexico near Zihuataneo, with trips to Oaxaca and
hopefully more. I have a friend who has a friend.
: )
OT: Yes Gregory it is "creepy" that John at Americablog supports only the corporate backed democratic presidential shills.
Kucinich speaks the truth about the war, NAFTA and the WTO and he is in John's words...annoying.
Mike Gravel speaks the truth on how to fix the social security problem by raising the income cap to $200,000.00 and again this in the words of John is annoying and creepy.
Hmm it seems that John knows which side his bread is buttered on. Now thats CREEPY!
UFL - I would certainly agree with you on JA's priorities, and his first concern does seem to be keeping that layer of butter thick on his pile of bread. You'd think he would show some shame or at least embarrassment over his fairly frequent posts describing the new electronic toys, cars, and trips to Europe he has bought with his reader's contributions.
A self-centered egomaniac, he is blind to the hypocrisy of rubbing shoulders with the very people he criticizes. Katherine Harris, for fuck sake? And his appearances on CNN, which has gone very quickly from FOX lite to FOX clone? Well, I guess you can justify that, as it provides some balance of opinion that otherwise would not exist there.
I'm not saying he is an altogether bad blogger, but I expect more from someone who is doing it full time for a living. He looks pretty lame in comparison to some others in roughly the same category, like Josh Marshall (Talking Points Memo), John Amato (Crooks and Liars) or Christie Hardin Smith (Firedog Lake.) He only rises above mediocrity when he blogs on gay issues.
Gregory, how are you, my friend? I have been thinking of you of late.
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It seems to me that these column inches might be put to better use discussion the looming bombing of IRAN.
But that obviously is not sufficiently insignificant, nor is it liable to be whipped into a frothy mix.
"Patron Skank"!
Might have to use that, but if I do, I'll give you credit.
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