Impeachment, Greenlake, and more
Big day at the lake, with the sun out, bright, and a big turnout of
walkers, joggers, skaters, peramulators, and most vociferously, the
rowing teams, who let loose with a mighty cheer from the lanes in the
lake where they were positioning themselves for a race. Now THAT'S
what I'M talking about!
Tremendous positive response from the passers-by. Needless to say, I'm
hard to ignore, a smiling silver bearded gentleman, so the eastern
European fishermen, the Asian fishermen, and the Hispanic fishermen
were all utterly polite and responsive. And every single one of them
gave a positive response. Well, they understand.
The first person who began walking with us was a charming Polish woman,
erudite, and furious about the "secret" prisons established in Poland,
"again", as she put it. She is furious as well that her cousin's son
from Poland is serving in Iraq. The fascists have a historic
relationship with the Poles. The last HOLOCAUSE having taken place in
Poland. The Germans hired them at bargain prices to run the trains,
empty the trains, process the victims, operate the "showers", the
cremation ovens, and dispose of the ash and clothing and such. Gold
teeth, that sort of thing. The facts so brilliantly exposed in
So glad we are able to enjoy fresh air while walking around a beautiful lake sharing our thoughts and feelings with like (and un-like) minded folks. If only the same were true for inhabitants of faroff lands where America stomps her nasty heels in the name of "democracy" (read imperialism). Can we send Tenet and Perle and Gonzalez a one-way ticket to Hell? I simply cannot take any more of the minions who people the current regime. I've given up on requesting similair travel arrangements for CondaSleeza, Chain-y, et al.
Seattle. *sigh* I envy you. I'm stuck in South Carolina.
I visited Seattle once long ago. Fell in love with it before the plane landed! Glad I found your blog.
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