Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Fwd: honestly

The geographic situation can be taken care of at small monetary cost
and careful management, I do believe. Maybe something to think about
in the next year or so.

In one of the few post-St. Helena conversations I have had with Mark
Miller, he spoke about necessary/optimum size. In 1990 or so, it was
a 67 and preferably 69 seat minimum. This created the financial
base--assuming you fill the seats!-- to afford the necessary team in
management/ownership, and end up with a sustainable business.

But listen, I can publish this email on my Rainwater blog--with your
kind permission. It gives some idea of the communication system we
could have for project development. In the interest of brevity, I
have decided to publish first and ask forgiveness instead of

I'll be here for 30 min or so....

Begin forwarded message:

Claudia Siefer <

0000,0000,0000Date: March
8, 2005 1:33:59 AM PST


0000,0000,0000Subject: Re:honestly

Very cool. The only thing truly hanging us up currently is we all live
apart (logistically). I think Ken and I should keep our eyes open for
a site already established. Keep us updated on Rainwater cafe. I tried
to GOOOGLE this site and came up empty-handed. I am SOOO pleased about
Bush's appointee to the U.N. Mr. Bolton who HATES the U.N. should be
the perfect candidate to pursue the type of golbal diplomacy Bush
outlined during his recent tour of Europe. Meanwhile, the poncho Marth
wore on her release from the pen will be featured on her website. The
poncho was crocheted by a fellow inmate. Ultimately, Martha truly
makes a fine lemonade out of (meyer) lemons. c/


I do really think that Ken, you, and I can be a formidable team of
restaurant developers. If we play our cards right, I think we can
have very amusing and satisfying lives.

I'm thinking that we could develop more than one project. All in good
time. There is a wealth of talent and experience in this little pool,
as well as what you remarked on: something like 30 years of friendship
and respect. And all based on knowledge.

I'm very excited to see what we can provoke out of the fates and our
own psyches.

I start work on the Rainwater Chocolate business plan tomorrow... I
say all systems go!

Monday, March 07, 2005

test publishing

I am checking to see if the "publish-from-email" thing is working for